
TZ-1000RC Remote Controller for the FT-1000mp

TZ-1000RC - FH-1 Equivalent


The TZ-1000RC features include:

  • Functionally equivalent to the Yaesu FH-1
  • 0.5m connection Cord
  • Can operate all 4 operating modes.
  • Extremely lightweight
  • Ergonomic design fits in the palm of your hand

PRICE:   $45.00


The TZ-1000RC is a remote control accessory for the FT-1000mp and FT-1000mp mark V range of transceivers. The TZ-1000RC interfaces directly to the FT-1000mp remote control port to control VFO A, VFO B, Keypad entry or to make use of the inbuilt CW memory keyer functions. The remote is ideal for the casual CW operator for automating much of the QSO data, such as calling CQ, RST, name and QTH etc.

The TZ-1000RC performs the same functions as the Yaesu FH-1 but at only a fraction of the cost!

The TZ-1000RC is also great for casual CW contesting, those smaller CW contests or for chasing CW DXpeditions. If you can’t send at 40 wpm but can read your call and 5NN at that speed, this little accessory will help you to work those super fast ops on the major DXpeditions. With this little beaut you could work 100 DXCC CW countries without really knowing the code that well. Who knows, you may get hooked and become a top notch CW op!


The TZ-1000RC remote Controller features include:

  • All four remote operating modes, VFO A, VFO B, keypad and CW memory keyer.
  • Small size, light with clear button labels perfect for small time Dxpeds or home use.
  • 50cm lead keeps wiring short (extension cord is a simple 1/8 inch mono audio lead).
  • Approximate size 90mm high, 50 mm wide by 12mm deep (fits neatly into your hand).

The TZ-1000RC is small and lightweight ideally suited to fit in the palm of your hand or be smartly hidden away when not needed.


The TZ-1000RC is supplied with an instruction manual and small mode check sheet to enable you to quickly identify the function for each button, depending on which mode the radio is set to.

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