
20/40m/80m Trapped Wire Dipole Antenna

TZ-WD-204080 Antenna


The TZ-WD-204080 trapped wire dipole features include:

  • Operating bands 20m, 40m & 80m
  • Bandwidth 20m - 400kHz, 40m - 200-250kHz typical, 80m - 125kHz typical (VSWR < 2.0:1)
  • Max Operating power 1 kW PEP, 500W CW continuous
  • Typical impedance 40 ohm - 90 ohm (depending on installation height and configuration)
  • Gain -1.0 to 0 dBd
  • Effective Gain 6 dBi Typical (when mounted at 1 wavelength)
  • VSWR 1.5:1 (typical)
  • Total length 32m, Inv Vee 17m legs separated 15m at the base.
  • Weight 3.5 kgs (approx 7.4 lb)

PRICE:   $299.00


The TZ-WD-204080 is a trapped wire antenna designed to permit operation on the 20m, 40m and 80m amateur bands. As standard the antenna is designed for the 3 main low frequency bands, ideal for local communications within 1000-2000 km of your location. If you're new to the HF bands and want to try a bit of local ragchewing, why not experiment with this antenna first. Alternatively, when the antenna is mounted at height, and well in the clear, this antenna will permit DX contacts to be made on the 80m and especially the 40m band.


For local communications around your location within 1-2000km the antenna can be mounted in either a dipole or inverted vee configuration, however the Inverted Vee configuration is best suited for a high angle of radiation, providing excellent signal for interstate QSOs.


For effective DX contacts the antenna should be mounted at least 15m above the ground at all points and be configured in a straight dipole configuration. At heights of 20m or greater the antenna will produce outstanding DX results on 20m and 40m and moderate DX performance on 80m. At 30m or greater, DXCC on the low bands will only be limited by your own commitment to being there when the DX is! An amplifier on 80m is usually a requirement to work DXCC.


For the amateur without much room, or dollars, or who has an XYL not keen on a big antenna and tower in the back yard, this can be a real opportunity. The wire and traps of the antenna are made from grey covered PVC and painted to produce a minimal visual impact - as far as possible for an antenna! As a minimum, The TZ-WD-204080 should be mounted at least 8m above the ground. Most regulations in Australia permit a mast to be erected 3m above the tallest point of the building (primarily intended for TV antennas) but this ruling can effectively be used to get your ham antenna up at least 8m.

The ground space required for the antenna in an inverted vee configuration is slightly less, and only one support is required. For such an installation, a single support 8 - 10m above ground with the "tails" of the antenna 3 - 4m above ground and separated by about 15 -20m is ideal. If your block is not large enough to support the antenna elements in a straight line, the 80m element may be bent almost at right angles to a configuration that suits your block shape and size. VSWR may deteriorate in this instance but a tuner may be used and the antenna radiation pattern and efficiency will not be greatly effected.

Ensure that the feedline from the balun is dropped vertically from the feedpoint for at least 10m before being brought of to run to your shack. Ideally, the feedline should be run vertically downwards until it touches the ground to reduce the probability of undesired feedline currents and radiation. This helps to reduce or prevent TVI.


The TZ-WD-204080 uses 4 coaxial traps which are not affected by rain since the traps are sealed. The traps are coaxial types which offer excellent isolation at the trap frequency.

Stainless steel fasteners are used throughout. The Rippletech TZ-1840 balun is supplied with this antenna. There is no need to purchase a separate balun, and Rippletech never encourages feeding a balanced antenna using coaxial cable without a balun installed. Note some suppliers, quote and supply antennas without a balun (only an insulating block and UHF style SO-259). Make no mistake, use a balun and get optimum performance from your antenna system.


The TZ-WD-204080 is also a fantastic antenna for portable operation. Tied between two trees a suitable distance apart, or slung from a high bough in an inverted Vee configuration will yield excellent results, with a minimum of effort.

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